On January 31st, any website page that has a credit card entry field or a form that doesn’t have a valid SSL certificate will also change. Here is a side-by-side comparison of two pages without an SSL cert:
Again, that’s quite a psychological leap for your customers. A little “i” inside a circle is a lot less ominous than the words “Not secure”.
And that’s nothing compared to what’s coming:
At the very least, you need to make sure that any website page of yours that has a credit card field or form also carries an SSL cert. January 31st is rapidly approaching and we strongly encourage you to avoid the association of being “Not secure” in Google’s eyes.
The better move, however, would be to cover all your domains, all your pages—every single inch of your online business—with an SSL certificate.
What’s more, you’d be surprised at how affordable high-quality SSL certificates can be, even if you’re getting them for an entire domain, or multiple domains. McAfee SECURE SSL certificates, for example, start at just $69 per year.
Google’s changes are coming, and since over 50% of the world’s internet population uses Chrome as their primary browser, this move is in your best interest.