Mobile Marketing is by far the newest addition to interactive advertising. From the term “Mobile” itself, it obviously refers to the utilization mobile devices as a way to reach to people in marketing communications. This marketing strategy benefits many businesses by allowing them to capitalize on the different ways billions of people are using cell phones today.
However, many businesses are not using mobile marketing to its full capabilities to really increase profits and ROI.
If you are looking to build a massive list of customers who will buy from you over and over again, here are a few SMS Text Message Marketing mistakes you should avoid:
Mistake # 1:
No Call to Action
- No matter how great your business is, you are still missing out on opportunities to get new customers if your mobile promotions do not include a call to action. Make people aware of your mobile presence on all of your marketing materials. Most importantly, tell people to join your mobile list to receive cool free gifts and future promotional offers. If you don’t tell them to join, most won’t.
Mistake # 2:
No Customer Reward for Registering
- Another effective marketing strategy is to offer sign-up bonuses. Customers will be encouraged to join your mobile list if they receive an immediate reward. For instance, if you are fast food chain, you may offer “FREE MEAL worth $ 5” as a sign-up bonus. The customer would have to present your text message offer on their next visit in order to redeem it.
Mistake # 3:
Sending Out Too Many Offers
- Though sending offers frequently can be exciting and may get your customers’ attention, it is annoying which may lead to some customers unsubscribing from your list. Also, sending offers frequently can have a negative impact as it does not give customers thrills on what they miss. Text offers sent weekly or twice a month is more effective because customers are given time to see the advantages of the offers and will look forward to future ones.
Mistake # 4:
No Customer-Retention Incentives
- Customers are likely stay on a mobile list if they are given “freebies” and nice discounts every once in a while. Don’t make all of your messages an attempt to sell something. Instead, make your list some nice offers that will make them happy as well as keep a steady flow of income coming into your business. Some examples of effective customer rewards programs would be “FREE STUFF,” “50% OFF,” and “BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE.”
Mistake # 5
No Referral System in Place
- Of course, people tend to share and talk with their friends and family members about any nice offers they’ve received. When your customers are satisfied by your products or services, they will likely recommend it to a friend or family member. So, you can make this process very easy for them by implementing a mobile “Refer a friend” program. Give your “referring” customers a nice reward for referring others and watch your list and ROI quickly grow.